Hollywood Casino Aurora Poker Room Phone Number

Download Today and Get $10 mycash and 5M credits at my choice casino. You already know you can earn at every turn and cash in on great rewards with my choice ®. Now, you can also get real-time updates on your account with the all-new my choice rewards loyalty app. Plus, get $10 my cash ® and 5M credits to play for fun at my choice casino when. Hollywood Casino Aurora Poker Room Overview Part of Hollywood Casino Aurora. Hollywood Casino Aurora offers live action poker seven days a week starting at 9:30 am. The standard here is $5/$10, $10/$20, $15/$30, $20/$40 Limit and 1-2 No limit Texas Hold 'Em. Hollywood Casino Poker Room, Philipsburg, Netherlands Antilles. The premier place to play poker in Sint Maarten. We offer a wide spread of Omaha and Texas Holdem from 2/5 blinds and up! Hollywood Casino Aurora Discover more than 1,000 slot machines, four great restaurants and live, local entertainment along the Fox River in downtown Aurora, Illinois. Introducing the All-New mychoice App.
Poker Updates
Hours: Open Daily
24/7 based on player demand
- All Team Members and Guests in the casino will be required to wear a mask.
- No smoking or food allowed in the Poker Room.
- The number of tables available for play will be ten, and the number of players at each table will be limited to seven. Table changes may be restricted.
- Plexiglass dividers are installed at the tables.
- We will be offering Texas Hold‘em limit and no-limit, as well as multiple Omaha variants based on player interest.
- Bad Beat Jackpots available in select Texas Hold'em and Omaha games.
- Special Hand Jackpots available including: Aces Win or lose, Aces Cracked, Flopped Trips, Sets Cracked, Quads Cracked, and Made Hands. See Bravo Live app or call the poker room to see which hands are available each day.
Hollywood Casino Aurora Poker Room Phone Number
Our market-leading Poker Room features 10 poker tables with exciting action, personalized service and the following amenities.
Hollywood Casino Aurora Poker Room
- Non-Smoking
- Free Wi-Fi
- USB Ports on Tables
For more information, call us at 314-770-7600.
- No-Limit Texas Hold'Em (1-2, 2-5, 5-10)
- Limit Texas Hold'Em (3-6 to 20-40)
- 4/8 Omaha High Low with Half Kill
- $2 – $6 Spread Limit 7 Card Stud
Hollywood Casino Aurora Poker Room Phone Number Customer Service
You already know you can earn at every turn and cash in on great rewards with mychoice®. Now, you can also get real-time updates on your account with the all-new mychoice rewards loyalty app. Plus, get $10 mycash® and 5M credits to play for fun at mychoice casino when you download the app today!
Hollywood Casino Aurora Poker Room Phone Number 1-800
The rewards program that lets you earn tier points and mycash while you play, dine, and shop now gives you access to your tier status, exclusive rewards, special offers, and mycash balance all in one place – instantly.