Poker Night 2 Tf2 Items
edited April 2013 in Poker Night at the Inventory / Poker Night 2
- Apr 27, 2013 50+ videos Play all Mix - Poker Night 2 items in a nutshell YouTube; How it FEELS to Play Heavy in TF2 - Duration: 10:28. Top Nine Favorite Team Fortress 2 Classes(2013) - Duration: 41:37. Sometimes, the players will bet items instead of money. If successfully claimed, they can be used in gameplay for Team Fortress 2.
- Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for poker night at the inventory 2 steam code.RARE GAME. TF2 items email delivery at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
- Poker Night 2 is a game developed by Telltale Games.It features five characters; GLaDOS from the Portal series, Sam from the Sam & Max franchise, Claptrap from the Borderlands series, Ash Williams, the protagonist of the The Evil Dead franchise, and Brock Samson from the Venture Brothers animated series.
TF2 player reporting in, I'd just like to know if we can trade the unlockable items.
Poker night 1 items were alas, not tradable. However recent promos have been tradable. Also will they be of genuine quality?
Poker night 1 items were alas, not tradable. However recent promos have been tradable. Also will they be of genuine quality?
Poker Night At The Inventory 2 Tf2 Items

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In any case, it's called Poker Night 2 and like the first game, it'll offer players with unique items to use in Team Fortress 2.Joining TF2 this time around is Borderlands 2.If you own either of.
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Poker Night 2 Tf2 Items Not Showing Up
- edited April 2013Genuine quality would have been mentioned in the promo screenie.
They probably won't be tradable, considering things like:
1. Poker Night 1 items weren't tradable.
2. This game is terribly cheap.
3. The items don't expire after the pre-purchase period, therefore you can just buy the game at any time and get them at any time.
4. This time there's no pre-order bonus in items. The first one had the visor, which is now tradable.
So yeaaaaah, prolly not. - edited April 2013Probably not. Usually when TF2 has achievement-related promo items that are available indefinitely, they're not tradable.
- edited April 2013I hope they aren't tradeable, because if they are I'll be tempted to trade them away. And I don't want to do that.
- edited April 2013Achievement-based items in TF2 generally tend to be unable to be traded outside of using gift wrap.
Honestly it's a pointless exercise anyway. The game costs five bucks, gift wrap costs two, and any profit margin you'd make would be really minimal overall. I'll be enjoying my souvenirs when I get them. - edited April 2013Achievement-based items in TF2 generally tend to be unable to be traded outside of using gift wrap.
Honestly it's a pointless exercise anyway. The game costs five bucks, gift wrap costs two, and any profit margin you'd make would be really minimal overall. I'll be enjoying my souvenirs when I get them.
Yet I still see people buying them with gift-wrap. - edited April 2013Like others have said, they will more than likely be Achievement Unlocked items like in the first Poker Night and Super Monday Combat and thus be untradeable.
- edited April 2013Eh, I traded them away by using the official system. They might not allow trading PN2 items however as many more TF2 players are aware this time around and will buy the game for a quick buck otherwise. Those pixels hold money value if those items can be traded.